We are a cosmetic OEM company
that organizes from planning to designing.


Shonan Beauty Eyelash Essence湘南美容まつ毛美容液 & PREMIUM

辛口批評誌LDK the Beauty 12月号まつげ美容液部門1位獲得!


Eyelash serum supervised by a hair professional. PREMIUM contains 20 types of eyelash serum ingredients, including Human Hair Follicle Stem Cell Conditioned Media.


湘南美容まつ毛美容液 1,980円(税抜1,800円)

PREMIUM 3,740円(税抜3,400円)

Shonan Beauty Double Eyelids Series湘南美容ふたえシリーズ

湘南美容クリニックのドクターとの共同開発! Joint development with the doctors from Shonan Beauty!


Developed with the professional eyelid shaping doctor, the medical collaboration of double eyelids series. Easily create the most popular “parallel type double eyelids” and the natural “wide type double eyelids” from Shonan Beauty Clinic.


湘南美容アイリッドテープ両面タイプ(平行型) 1,320円(税抜1,200円

湘南美容アイリッドテープ片面タイプ(平行型) 1,320円(税抜1,200円

湘南美容アイリッドグルー(末広型) 1,650円(税抜1,500円

湘南美容アイリッドフィルム(末広型) 1,650円(税抜1,500円


SENSEEasy Stick Hair Balm 01

渋谷、口コミNo.1メンズ専門美容室発のヘアバーム   Hair balm from Shibuya's most popular men's beauty salon.



The industry's first stick-type hair balm. With a fresh floral and fruity scent, it can also be used as a fragrance.



mod’s hair Pliant Fixプライアントフィックス

フランスのmod’s hairのクセ毛対策シリーズを開発! For curly hairs from mod’s hair!


Hair system that provides Pliant and Fix. Hair salon’s exclusive product which understands the mechanism of curled hair by keeping moisture of the cortex fiber and provides “Soft and Enhanced” without any dryness, stiffness and spreading.


プライアントフィックス シャンプー 240mL 2,750円(税抜2,500円

プライアントフィックス トリートメント 240mL 2,530円(税抜2,300円

プライアントフィックス クリーム 100mL 2,860円(税抜2,600円


Homeos Oneホメオスワン

日本初のホップ由来のCBD配合のオールインワンジェル! First in Japan all-in-one gel infused with hop-derived CBD oil!


Not using from cannabis, the All-in-one gel infuses the safe hop-derived CBD as the main ingredient directly delivered from the U.S. The unregistered name in Japan, “hop oil” is registered with our company.


Homeos One オールインワンジェル 50g

Homeos One オールインワンジェル(詰め替え用) 50g



今までに無い特徴のあるポイントメイクを開発! Developed the never before unique feature point makeup!



Easier than the brush type, the sphere head type eyelash growth eyeliner. Film type that can wash off easily with warm water. Eyebrow infused with 82% of the highest-level powder in the industry. Create natural soft-looking eyebrow in just 25 seconds.


レイナチュ まつ育アイライナー2色 各1,430円(税抜1,300円

レイナチュ パウダーパウダーアイブロウ3色 各1,430円(税抜1,300円



お湯で落とせるフィルム型ネイルカラー! Wash off easily with warm water, film shaped nail color!


No strong smell of that unique manicure and can easily peel off. Equal shine as the enamel nail but because the remover is unnecessary, you won’t damage your nails and no more yellowish nail.


レイナチュ ネイルケアカラー(ナチュラル)5色 各1,320円(税抜1,200円

レイナチュ ネイルケアカラー(ラメ)4色 各1,430円(税抜1,300円



国内最高レベルの紫外線防御力の薬用美白BBBクリーム! Japanese highest level of protecting UV rays, the medicated brightening BBB cream!


BBB cream, the better version of BB cream creating the natural skin tone. Medicated product infused with active ingredients for brightening and skincare while applying your base makeup.


レイナチュ 薬用BBBクリーム 30g 2,970円(税抜2,700円



涙袋メイクの先駆け商品で2年間で24万本販売! The pioneer product for eye bag makeup that sold 240,000 in 2 years!


Powder type eye makeup that plumps your eye bags under your eyes. The pioneer makeup product that was used by idol groups and introduced by TV media.


レレバンス ハイライトチップ3色 各1,320円(税抜1,200円

レレバンス ハイライトライナー2色 各1,320円(税抜1,200円


Base makeupベースメイク

国内初のミネラルファンデ&美容液が溢れ出るファンデ! First in Japan, foundation with minerals & essence!



Bringing the mineral foundation that was massively popular in the U.S to Japan and planned and manufactured domestically before major manufactures. Liquid foundation filled with capsule collagen with popular magazine model advertising the product.


チャンティックマニスミネラルフェイスパウダー3色 各3,080円(税抜2,800円

チャンティックマニスミネラルプレストパウダー3色 各3,740円(税抜3,400円

レレバンス ホイップファンデーション28mL 2,750円(税抜2,500円


reinachu! Premium Hair Setting WAXプレミアムまとめ髪WAX

髪をケアしながらピタッとまとめるワックス! Treat your hair while perfecting it!


A new stick type WAX that keeps unstable hairstyle with less excess on your hands. Treating your hair with hair beauty oil and hair beauty ingredients while fixing “frizz” and “loose” hair.


レイナチュ プレミアムまとめ髪ワックス マットtype 1,320円(税抜1,200円

レイナチュ プレミアムまとめ髪ワックス ツヤtype 1,320円(税抜1,200円


Color Fox Wax銀髪WAX

塗るだけで銀髪に変身できるシャンプーで落とせるWAX! WAX that can dye your hair to silver and easily washable!


A hair wax that colors hair to silver in many TV shows and movies. From people concerning with uneven white hair to those who want to enjoy dress-ups. New hair care with the hydrolyzed keratin and the repairing ingredient, heat protein.


カラーフォックスワックス シルバー 50g 1,980円(税抜1,800円


Pure Massaging Soap黒い生せっけん

とろける形状で直塗りできる黒い生せっけん! Creamy black raw soap that can apply directly onto your skin.


No synthetic surfactants, mineral oils and preservatives. Obtaining patent process, the creamy raw soap focused on additive-free and includes moisturizing ingredients over 30% of a whole.


レイナチュ ピュアマッサージングソープ(黒)標準重量120g 3,630円(税抜3,300円



コスメとのシリーズ商品としてサプリメントを開発! Supplement from the same series as the cosmetic line!


Bust supplements are popular with the cosmetics and many requests for developments. Beverage and gummy versions are also available other than pills such as hard and soft capsules.


B-UPドロップ 18粒 4,950円(税抜4,500円) 総出荷数178,000個(弊社調べ)



顔用消しゴム マンゴーピーリングジェル! Facial eraser, Mango Peeling Gel!


This outstanding Mango Peeling Gel sold total of 800,000 (in-company research) in their series that became a huge hit with its unique name and its new approach.


OEM Business 商品開発Product Development

コロナ以降の化粧品開発の方向性! New cosmetic development trend after Covid!


Cosmetic industry changed drastically after Covid-19. Less inbound travelers, staying home and, with the change of makeup from wearing facial masks influenced the cosmetic industry to adapt to the new environment. CREOHS receives information about the popular products and ingredients in the U.S. market from our business alliance company in L.A. We will adapt with the new environment and export new cosmetics and products that are not sold domestically as soon as possible. The current, end of October 2022, total number of manufactured items were 6.10 million (in-company research).


OEM Business クライアントClient

プロダクトOUTからマーケットINへ! It's not about what we want, it's about what customers want.



Recently, CREOHS are gaining OEM manufacturing requests from cosmetic companies who owns their factory. The time has changed from “What to make?” to “What are we expected?” which prioritizes to come up with ideas first.

We develop cosmetics flexibly to our various clients and clients from different industries who are considering to adapt cosmetics with their current businesses. We offer cosmetics such as for exporting to overseas, for domestic variety shops, for beauty salons, for online markets and for chain store’s PB cosmetics.


OEM Business クリオスの特徴CHREOHS’s Special Features

パッケージデザインをしながらバルクを開発するので時間短縮! Time saving with designing package while developing bulk!


With our representative as a designer preceding with the package design and coming up with the formulation of the bulk at the same time, we can successfully save the product development time and avoid miss communication with outside designers. We are able to offer store promotional product’s production operation by our staff, who was the appliance production’s specified operator for Japan’s SEPHORA, and can introduce customers with our staff, who was working in the distribution industry. We have a license for manufacturing (production) and distribution of cosmetics under Tokyo as the first graduate.


Company Profile会社概要

Company Profile

社 名 株式会社クリオス CREOHS,INC.

代表取締役(CEO)平田 克己(Katsumi Hirata)

設 立 2002年1月  資本金 10,000,000円

所在地 〒103-0005 東京都中央区日本橋久松町4-10 イマス日本橋福山ビル7階

T E L 03-3668-2731  F A X 03-3668-2732

加入団体 東京化粧品工業会(化粧品製造販売業 許可番号13C0X90028)、化粧品公正取引評議会、日本パッケージデザイン協会


Founded January 2002

Capital 10,000,000yen

Address 7F Imasu Nihonbashi Fukuyama Building, 4-10 Nihonbashi Kumatsu-cho, Chuou-ku, Tokyo 103-0005



都営新宿線 馬喰横山駅A3・都営浅草線 東日本橋駅B2



The nearest exit is A3 at Toei Shinjuku Line Bakuroyokoyama Station・Toei Asakusa Line Higashi Nihonbashi Station・JR Bakurochou Station. (Open with Google Maps)